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You Are the Magic in Manifestation

Maybe the most important teaching is to lighten up and relax.

~~ Pema Chödrön

Greetings to all my precious people!!

We are definitely living in interesting times.  For our own selves, as well as our country and the world, there seems to be no clean and clear message about beginnings or endings.  We are always in the middle of things, slipping between past, present and future, partly in harmony, many times in confusion, being reminded that opposing ideas and thoughts can be true. There are murmurings and undercurrents of chaos, as flickers of the new are continuously emerging.  Shift is happening and the emotional clarity we desire seems unattainable.  continue reading »

When the Body Says NO

It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.

 ~~Paulo Coelho

Greetings to all my precious people!!

We are in the midst of restore and release, aligning our focus to Spring – the time of renewal.  Are you feeling the energetics yet?  The urge to purge, the desire to rearrange things, the need to finally tend to the stuff that has been piling up in the land of “someday.”  Many times these prompts for change are signaled by the body speaking its language with emotions and physical sensations that beg to be acknowledged.  But more often than not, the feelings and bodily twinges become those darned symptoms that annoy or irritate us.  They interrupt our plans, invade our thoughts and present a choice point for us – to listen more attentively, or to disregard and put aside until “later.”  continue reading »

Courage Grace & Compassion

March is the Month of Expectation.

~~Emily Dickinson

Greetings to all my precious people!

Just when you thought it was safe to put away your winter coat, the North wind blasted us with one more reminder that Nature is in charge of the environment.  The month of March is mercurial, and perhaps that makes sense, since the name March is ultimately derived from the Latin word Martius, named after Mars, the Roman god of war.  While we are in the midst of welcoming the Spring Equinox, Mercury has entered its “pre-retrograde” shadow and there is also a lunar eclipse on the horizon for March 25th.  Change is constant, and the shifts in the season gently remind us that we, too, are part of the environment, contributing to the outside world as well as being affected by it.  continue reading »

Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Cookie Recipe

Did you know that if you play your recipe cards right, you can mix up a batch of cookies that are not only reminiscent of a gingersnap, but are also 100% paleo AND anti-inflammatory?  continue reading »

Your body is your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND

The relationship between the body and the mind has always been one of unity, connection and interdependence within the system of Chinese medicine.  Disharmony or “dis-ease” presents itself with a symptom/sign – perhaps an ache, a fever, fatigue, heart palpitations, changes in appetite, and more.  These signs are assessed by the doctor, suggestions for remedies are made to alleviate discomfort, and the underlying reason for the “dis-ease” is also addressed.  Symptoms – the outward conversation between the inner and outer body – are seen as messengers, helping to guide us to redirect our attention and follow the clues so that harmony can be restored in the body. 

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