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Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Year of Transformation

The way of the Creative works through change and transformation, 

so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny 

and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony:  

this is what furthers and what perseveres.

~~~ I Ching

Greetings to all my precious people!!

We are still in the midst of Winter, with freezing temperatures and blustery winds. The snow and freezing rain remind us that we are not in control of the weather! While the landscape appears barren, the ancient cycle of rebirth is occurring deep in the ground, at the root level of the trees. Transformation is constant and ongoing. Change is part of our environment, and the interplay of yin and yang is evident.  continue reading »

The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

Restaurants that have revolving seasonal menus have gained in popularity in recent years. The concept of seasonal eating has deep roots. Before the advent of modern agriculture and global trade, people naturally consumed foods that were locally available during specific times of the year. But today, the convenience of supermarkets allows us to eat almost any fruit or vegetable year-round. While this accessibility is convenient, it disconnects us from the natural cycles of food and may not always be the healthiest or most sustainable choice. Let’s delve into the benefits of eating for the seasons and how it can transform your health, environment, and culinary experience. continue reading »

Reimagine Your Path

“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, 

but of stretching out to mend the part of the world 

that is within our reach.”

~~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Greetings to all my precious people!!

The Lunar New Year began on January 29, 2025, amidst worldwide celebrations but the Yin Wood Snake will officially emerge on Monday, February 3. Wàn shì rú yì (萬事如意) is a Chinese phrase that means “May all your wishes come true” or “Everything is going very smoothly”. Wàn shì rú yì conveys the wish for someone to have their hopes and desires fulfilled, and is commonly used as a greeting during Chinese Lunar New Year.  continue reading »

Reclaim Your Power

“Stay true to yourself. 

Let your voice ring out and don’t let anyone fiddle with it. 

Never turn down a good idea, but never take a bad idea. 

And meditate.” 

~~  David Lynch (1946-2025)

Greetings to all my precious people!

We are on the precipice of so much change and I want to gently remind all of us that we were made for these times. On Wednesday, January 29, 2025 the Lunar New Year will begin as we celebrate the arrival of the Yin Wood Snake, which officially emerges on Monday, February 3rd. It is the beckoning call to release old patterns and evolve, and to step up in ways that utilize our unfolding awareness. The 2024 Year of the Dragon gave us plenty of opportunities to reexamine, reevaluate and reestablish our operating systems, both personally and communally. Now is the time to navigate our Path with strength, clarity and wisdom. Let us focus on strengthening and harmonizing our connections to the external environment as well as our internal healing systems. We can create a balanced, flowing approach to daily life that serves the body, mind and spirit of our own Self, as well as that of our community.  continue reading »

Release to Realign

“To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit.”

~~ Jack Kornfield

Greetings to all my precious people!!

We are in the post glow of the Full Wolf Moon—the time when the bright illumination of the Sun’s reflection on the moon is already waning, but the night sky is still filled with light. And yet, we feel the stirrings of things we have kept in the dark, hidden away. While the monthly Full Moons signify peak moments of a rising tide, they also offer the opportunity to glimpse into the recesses of our heart, soul and psyche. We can tenderly peek into the sacred nooks where our dreams, fears and lived experiences reside. But especially now, with the placement of Cancer, Mars and the Moon, we might find a bit more congestion and clutter than we imagined.  continue reading »

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