Qi Gong
What Do You Need Right Now?
I learned a long time ago
the wisest thing I can do
is be on my own side.
~~ Maya Angelou
Greetings to all my precious people!!
What do you need right now?
When was the last time you took a moment to check in with your Self and make a gentle inquiry? We can be very attuned to the needs of others. We know when the baby needs feeding, when the dog needs walking and when our loved ones need a good hug, a long nap and maybe a snack!! But what about us? How often do we touch base with our precious Self and ask what needs to be tended to? continue reading
Hope in the Time of Overwhelm
Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.
~~ Mary Oliver
Greetings to all my precious people!!
My mini summer sabbatical is underway and it seems I am not well practiced in the “being mode” versus “doing mode”. Despite having a daily practice of meditation and qigong, there is still evidence of ‘busy-ness’ that feels hardwired in my brain. It is a very humbling reckoning!! The escape to the shoreline of Connecticut offered me glimpses of emotions, dreams, and memories, all waiting to be seen, heard, and acknowledged ‘when there was time’. So I am grateful for the opportunity to choose to listen to the whispers of ‘if not now, when?’ and I encourage all of you to consider the same. While our habits and routines of daily life keep us on track and serve us, there is something magical about being away from obligations and responsibilities – even for a short time. continue reading
The Benefits of Qi Gong
Acupuncture is one of three branches of ancient traditional medicine. The other two are herbal medicine and the practice of a physical and mental discipline called Qi Gong. The main objective of each branch is to bring about a harmonious flow of Chi. continue reading