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How You Can Heal from Within

“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. 

Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.”

 ~~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Greetings to all my precious people!!

The month of April in the Year of the Dragon has given us pause and reminds us to expect the unexpected.  Earthquakes in Taiwan, followed by 4.8 magnitude temblor shaking the East Coast multiple times and then, the magnificent Solar eclipse this past Monday. I hope you were able to witness the phenomena outside and experience some moments of awe.  The world is filled with daily miracles and magic, if only we are still enough, and choose to be Present with our selves and the space we inhabit.   continue reading »

Let Go and Let it Be

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. 

To let go means to let be. 

When we let be with compassion,

 things come and go on their own.”

~~ Jack Kornfield


We are in the midst of major shifts during this Leap Year 2024, the Year of Possibilities during the reign of the Green Wood Dragon!  The weather, the cosmos, financial and political structures, wars, famines, and natural disasters continue to simmer and erupt.  We are all part of the fabric of the world we inhabit, and believe it or not, we are all linked inextricably to each other.  On our cellular level, all of the exterior disharmony has been registering, interrupting and interfering with our human energetic vibrations as we make attempts to find harmony in the cataclysm of shift and change that surrounds us.  continue reading »


Be who you are and say what you feel

Because those who mind DON’T MATTER

And those who MATTER don’t mind.

~~ Dr Seuss

Greetings to all my precious people!

We are winding down the blustery month of March, ending the first quarter of the year and hopefully finding a rhythm to our daily life that supports our wellbeing.  Perhaps you have been able to set aside some moments to revisit your delightful amazing Self, as you remember your connection to everything around you.  The foundations of Chinese medicine focus on the interconnectedness of all things, and we are not only part of the landscape, but that landscape also lives within us – connected by threads in a fabric woven from the stars and the soil, from the wind and the rain.  While this might sound poetic, it is in fact the truth:  we are all part of a system, and everything that happens within one part impacts the rest of the system.   continue reading »

Courage Grace & Compassion

March is the Month of Expectation.

~~Emily Dickinson

Greetings to all my precious people!

Just when you thought it was safe to put away your winter coat, the North wind blasted us with one more reminder that Nature is in charge of the environment.  The month of March is mercurial, and perhaps that makes sense, since the name March is ultimately derived from the Latin word Martius, named after Mars, the Roman god of war.  While we are in the midst of welcoming the Spring Equinox, Mercury has entered its “pre-retrograde” shadow and there is also a lunar eclipse on the horizon for March 25th.  Change is constant, and the shifts in the season gently remind us that we, too, are part of the environment, contributing to the outside world as well as being affected by it.  continue reading »

Rest & Reset

Rest and be thankful.

~~ William Wordsworth

Greetings to all my precious people!!

It is the middle of March, and there is a firestorm of activity occurring!!  The first noticeable change was the historical and controversial “spring ahead” to welcome daylight saving time, switching our clocks ahead one hour, effective Sunday March 10.  According to the Library of Congress, this measure was first introduced in the United States in 1918 under the Standard Time Act as a way to save on fuel costs during the First World War by adding an extra hour of sunlight to the day.  Daylight saving time was enacted as a legal requirement by the Uniform Time Act of 1966.  Under this act, states could exempt themselves from daylight saving time, and Hawaii and Arizona opted out.  continue reading »

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