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Stress & Anxiety

Good Anxiety Can Be Your SUPER POWER

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
~~ Lao Tzu
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Thoughts Are Things

“The Happiness of Your Life 

Depends on the Quality of Your Thoughts”

~~ Marcus Aurelius

Thoughts are things.  continue reading »

Harvest Moon Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation doesn’t change Life. 

Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as ever.  

Meditation changes the heart’s capacity to accept Life as it is.

~~ Sylvia Boorstein

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Creating Contentment, Calm and Confidence

The season of Autumn arrives early in the morning on Saturday September 23rd, reminding us that we need to prepare for the long, cold winter that will follow.  Observe the natural outdoor environment and you notice the squirrels burying their acorns, the leaves falling from the tree limbs, and the many birds migrating to warmer climates.  Nature herself is preparing to be quiet, be still – and this encourages us to continue to turn inward, to reacquaint ourselves with our inner thoughts, our deeper longings, and reconnect to our inner wisdom and innate knowing.  continue reading »

Three Reasons to Add Deep Breathing to Your Daily Routine

Three Reasons to Add Deep Breathing to Your Daily Routine

You might think breathing is second nature, right? You’re doing it right now as you are reading this. But did you know that there are different kinds of breathing and that what is called deep breathing can have important health benefits? Read on to learn just three of the most important reasons you should add deep breathing to your daily routine. continue reading »

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