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Coming Home to Your True Self

There is no need to run outside

For better seeing,

Nor to peer from a window. 

Rather, abide at the Center of your Being …

Search your heart and see …

The way to do is to be.

~~ Lao Tze  continue reading »

Good Anxiety Can Be Your SUPER POWER

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
~~ Lao Tzu
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Thoughts Are Things

“The Happiness of Your Life 

Depends on the Quality of Your Thoughts”

~~ Marcus Aurelius

Thoughts are things.  continue reading »


“It is a strange and wonderful fact to be here, 

walking around in a body, 

to have a whole world within you and 

a world at your fingertips outside you.” 

~~ John O’Donohue

Blessings to all of my precious people …

Let me be the first to remind you today:  YOU ARE A MIRACLE.  continue reading »

Meet Me in the Season of Change

Our true nature is like a precious jewel ~
although it may be temporarily buried in the mud,
it remains completely brilliant and unaffected.
We simply have to uncover it.
~~ Pema Chodron

Change is in the air. You can feel it and see it! The shifting seasons in the North East have recognizable cycles and patterns and during the transition to Autumn, the wind becomes more brisk, temperatures cool, the sun rises later and sets earlier as the contrast between light (Yang) and dark (Yin) is more evident. The Earth moves along her path towards the quiet and stillness of Winter, as the trees drop their colorful leaves in the practice of letting go and surrendering to the cycle and pattern of The Way of Nature. In a little over a week, the Equinox will occur on September 23, signifying once again a moment of perfect balance between Yin and Yang. continue reading »

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