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Release to Realign

“To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit.”

~~ Jack Kornfield

Greetings to all my precious people!!

We are in the post glow of the Full Wolf Moon—the time when the bright illumination of the Sun’s reflection on the moon is already waning, but the night sky is still filled with light. And yet, we feel the stirrings of things we have kept in the dark, hidden away. While the monthly Full Moons signify peak moments of a rising tide, they also offer the opportunity to glimpse into the recesses of our heart, soul and psyche. We can tenderly peek into the sacred nooks where our dreams, fears and lived experiences reside. But especially now, with the placement of Cancer, Mars and the Moon, we might find a bit more congestion and clutter than we imagined.  continue reading »


“This magnificent refuge is inside you.

Enter. Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway…

Be bold. Be humble.

Put away the incense and forget

the incantations they taught you.

Ask no permission from the authorities.

Close your eyes and follow your breath

to the still place that leads to the

invisible path that leads you Home.”

~ St. Theresa of Avila

Greetings to all my precious people!

We are on the brink of a New Year, with all the excitement and anticipation that comes from imagining the changes we can create in the Present and Future times of Life. This is also the ‘in-between’ space—the days after the gatherings, the days before our return to the regular rhythms of work and schedules of our daily life. This place of betwixt and between can be filled with silence and solitude, with creativity, with moments of “suppose and what if” that can spark our imagination and reveal the secrets of our closely held dreams and desires. But we must take the time to sit with our own Self and allow the treasures to unfold.  continue reading »

The Search for Solitude and Inner Peace

“Without going outside, you may know the whole world. 

Without looking through the window, 

you may see the ways of heaven. 

The farther you go, the less you know. 

Thus, the sage knows without traveling; 

he sees without looking; he works without doing.”

~~ Lao Zi, Dao De Jing (Chapter 47)

Greetings to all my precious people!

We are making our way towards a time of holidays and holy days during the next few weeks. So many of our traditions are rooted in gatherings with loved ones—be it family of origin or chosen family—sharing food and drink, space and time, telling stories, creating memories. The flurry of activity involved with the anticipation and participation tends to crowd our schedule, and while we want to be engaged and busy, we still need downtime to rest. While there are many forces influencing our time and attention, we can find solace by turning our focus inward, recentering our energy, and choosing to be present to Life as it unfolds.  continue reading »

Cultivate Your Gifts of Presence

“Learn the alchemy true human beings know. 

The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, 

the door will open.”

~~ Rumi

Greetings to all my precious people!

These early days of November are unusually warm and sunny, and the tree leaves are scattered along the ground, creating a multi-colored tapestry of Nature. We are in a liminal space—an energetic void—as the constellations of the Universe shift in their trajectory. Pluto is moving out of Capricorn after 15 years of chaos, trouble, and turmoil, and we are now entering Aquarius for the next 20 years. It is no wonder that we are all feeling a bit detached and unanchored, for this is a time of radical transformation whether we like it or not. Instead of feeling frustrated or impatient, choose to be fully present in these moments, for we are being shaped and seeded for recalibration on many levels.  continue reading »

Awaken To Your Healing Gifts

“The body is a sacred garment. It’s your first and last garment; 

it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, 

and it should be treated with honor.”

~~ Martha Graham

Greetings to all my precious people!!

The Full Moon in Aries, also referred to as The Hunter’s Moon, peaked on Thursday, October 17 at 7:26 am on the East Coast. Aries is known as the warrior of the zodiac. Ruled by the fire element and the planet Mars, Aries reminds us that we are each here on a mission that is personal and unique. The warrior spirit of the Full Moon in Aries asks us to focus on ourselves and our soul’s purpose. Aries delivers courage and motivation to align with the life your soul desires, releasing habits, situations, and relationships that obstruct growth and evolution. We are encouraged to take action, stand up and fight for what we believe in, and overcome any obstacles in the way of our dreams.  continue reading »

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