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Tag Archives: what we treat

Honoring Winter Solstice

This is the solstice, the still point  of the sun, its cusp and midnight,  the year’s threshold  and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future;  the place of caught breath, the door  of a vanished house left ajar. ~  Margaret Atwood ~

Greetings to all my precious people!!

We are in the midst of transition to

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Posted in Health, Mindfulness, Self-Care, Stress & Anxiety, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wellness, What We Treat | Also tagged , , , Comments Off on Honoring Winter Solstice

Winter Self Care Reminders

I pray this winter be gentle and kind

 a season of rest from the wheel of the mind.

~~ John Geddes

Greetings to all my precious people!!!

The Winter season is filled with holiday celebration, always depicted with joyful gatherings highlighting family, friends and togetherness.  We mark the calendars, counting the

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Posted in Acupuncture, Anxiety, Depression, Emotional/Psychological Disorders, Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Research, Self-Care, Stress, Stress & Anxiety, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wellness, What We Treat | Also tagged , , , Comments Off on Winter Self Care Reminders

Self-Care: The Radical Inside Journey

May you live every day of your life.

~~ Jonathan Swift

Blessings to all my precious people!!

We are in the time of distraction and celebration as we wind down the year of 2023.  The feeling of “too much to do, not enough time” competes with our family, work and social commitments, and the constant

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Posted in Anxiety, Depression, Digestion, Emotional/Psychological Disorders, Health, Insomnia, Meditation, Mindfulness, Research, Self-Care, Stress & Anxiety, Wellness, What We Treat | Also tagged , , , , , Comments Off on Self-Care: The Radical Inside Journey

Coming Home to Your True Self

There is no need to run outside

For better seeing,

Nor to peer from a window. 

Rather, abide at the Center of your Being …

Search your heart and see …

The way to do is to be.

~~ Lao Tze 

Posted in Autumn, Depression, Exercise, Health, Insomnia, Meditation, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Research, Self-Care, Sleep, Stress, Stress & Anxiety, Wellness, What We Treat | Also tagged , , , , , , Comments Off on Coming Home to Your True Self

Good Anxiety Can Be Your SUPER POWER

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
~~ Lao Tzu

Posted in Anxiety, Autumn, Depression, Health, Insomnia, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Research, Self-Care, Stress, Stress & Anxiety, Wellness, What We Treat, Women's Health | Also tagged , , , Comments Off on Good Anxiety Can Be Your SUPER POWER
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