“To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit.”
~~ Jack Kornfield
Greetings to all my precious people!!
We are in the post glow of the Full Wolf Moon—the time when the bright illumination of the Sun’s reflection on the moon is already waning, but the night sky is still filled with light. And yet, we feel the stirrings of things we have kept in the dark, hidden away. While the monthly Full Moons signify peak moments of a rising tide, they also offer the opportunity to glimpse into the recesses of our heart, soul and psyche. We can tenderly peek into the sacred nooks where our dreams, fears and lived experiences reside. But especially now, with the placement of Cancer, Mars and the Moon, we might find a bit more congestion and clutter than we imagined.
One of the reasons I love to share the ongoing shifts of planets and stars is because Chinese Medicine embraces the relevance of seasonal patterns and constellation activity. It is because we are part of the interconnected system of the Universe. Or as Carl Sagan said: “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
In Chinese Medicine, we take into consideration the reported symptoms of the patient, but our treatment strategy is based on understanding and interpreting the patterns of disharmony those symptoms represent. This is a systems approach to healthcare—accounting for body, mind and spirit of the patient —which is not typical in the conventional healthcare process. The inclusion of all data points—internal issues as well as the exterior environment where the patient resides—is critical and relevant to supporting the individualized treatment protocols that follow.
Chani Nicholas, Los Angeles based astrologer and writer, has likened the current state of planetary activity to a “quicksand” situation. Mars the warrior has been in retrograde since early December, creating agitation and generating heat. Cancer, the water sign, has become activated by the heat and is filled with congestion and obstructions. There is no easy flow, and if we struggle against the challenges, we can quickly become ensnared in the “quicksand” that Chani refers to—the emotional congestion and inflammation that is waiting to be cleared. But not yet. And not with force.
The planet Mars has a way of clearing things—helping us chop away and burn the spaces and places of stagnation and blockage hindering our growth. Mars is also the planet of passion and motivation, will and drive. It is this energy that propels us into action as we strive toward our desires. It is what connects us to our personal power and ambitions. And it is most certainly how we advocate for ourselves and relate to our feelings of anger.
Mars is currently in the sign of Cancer—the fourth house of the zodiac that represents family, home and the lineage of our ancestors—which sums up the current planetary situation. It is all about our domestic lives, our relationships and our emotions and memories from childhood that might be interfering with the current reality.
During the current Mars retrograde cycle (from December 6, 2024 thru February 23, 2025) things stall, falter, fail and misfire. Everything slows down, allowing emotions and difficult feelings to rise to the surface. The next few weeks will continue to be charged and emotional, so remember to take a deep breath before you blurt things out or commit to things without full consideration for your best interests.
This is the time to be especially kind towards yourself, your tender spots, your ragged edges, your wounds. Believe it or not, your life is not an unending self-improvement project, despite what all the marketing wizards are shilling. Your tender, compassionate heart does not need to serve as the launching point of yet another adventure to be undertaken, mastered, and completed. Take the path of least resistance when you come up against non-cooperative people or circumstances, by working around them or walking away.
We have become so addicted to numbing ourselves with “busyness”, so used to being activated and aroused, that we don’t realize how agitated we are. Social media, electronic screens, and the cycle of 24/7 news and worldwide disasters represent the constant collective drip of cortisol, restlessness, anxiety, and fear we swim in.
Put away your electronic devices and go outside, even if it is only for a brief moment in this cold Winter weather. Open all your senses and give thanks for these miraculous gifts of awareness. Shift your sight to a soft gaze and take in what you can see, what you hear, what you can smell. Wander around for a moment to know what it feels like to touch the earth, a tree or the grass. Align your Self with the frequency of the Water sign Cancer and seek out a quiet space along a river, lake, pond, stream, or the sea. Stand and root your Self at that liminal space where the land becomes the water. Remember you are part of this ecosystem, you belong to Nature and Nature is a part of you.
Mars retrograde is a perfect time for slowing down, reassessing, and realigning your energy. It’s a perfect period to focus on self-care rituals that nurture your inner strength, realign your passions, and create a sense of balance. Here are some effective rituals:
Grounding Practices
- Meditation: Practice grounding meditations to stabilize and center your energy. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth to stay connected.
- Earthing: Spend time walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil to absorb the Earth’s calming energy.
Body Awareness
- Gentle Movement: Opt for restorative yoga, tai chi, or slow qigong to release tension and align body and mind.
- Massage Therapy: Release built-up frustration or physical tightness with a professional massage or self-massage using warm oils.
Journaling for Reflection
- Reflect on areas where your energy feels stuck or misdirected.
- Write about your passions, goals, and any past actions you’d like to refine or revisit.
Energy Healing
- Incorporate practices like reiki, acupuncture, or sound healing to balance your energetic flow.
- Use crystals like red jasper (for grounding), carnelian (for vitality), or black tourmaline (for protection and release).
Restorative Sleep and Rest
- Prioritize rest by creating a soothing bedtime routine with calming teas, aromatherapy (e.g., lavender or chamomile), and mindful gratitude practices.
Reconnect with Nature
- Spend time in nature to release pent-up energy and feel the flow of natural rhythms. Hiking, gardening, or sitting by water are excellent choices.
- Practice conscious breathing techniques like alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) or deep belly breathing to calm the mind and reset your nervous system.
- Clear out physical and mental clutter to make room for new energy. Let go of items or habits that no longer serve your highest self.
Creative Outlets
- Channel energy into art, writing, music, or other creative projects. This can help transmute frustrations into something beautiful.
Boundary Setting
- Reevaluate where your energy is going and practice saying no to anything that drains you unnecessarily. This is a time to honor your needs.
By slowing down and focusing on these self-care rituals, you can harness the transformative energy of Mars retrograde to align with your true path.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are some of the tools I use to support the health and wellness of my patients, but the healing that occurs is always prompted from the inside. The answers to health and wellness reside in your heart. Treatment in my healing sanctuary goes beyond the needles—they simply serve to prompt the body to do its own mysterious and miraculous work.
I help people learn how to listen to their body’s wisdom and reconnect the unconscious mind to nurture the mind-body connection. This work allows people to realize their full capacity and choose to live a life aligned with their values, nourished by their dreams and desires. Together, we co-create opportunities for healing as the process unfolds.
I offer compassionate, attentive care. I see you. I hear you. I celebrate your journey. As an experienced clinician, I support patients as they come home to themselves, reconnecting the mind, body and spirit. This is my greatest passion: to serve as a facilitator, navigator and coach as you transcend old patterns and come into alignment with your best self. Are you ready to choose your Self and celebrate your gifts? Are you ready to manifest your Authentic Self that is abundant with health and vitality? Commit to being present and living your life with intention. Schedule your consultation today!