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RECALL Your Magic

Our Symptoms are the Seeds 

of the Medicine 

We Need for Ourselves

~~ David Bedrick

Greetings to all my precious people!!

The New Moon in Pisces occurred on Thursday, February 27 at 7:44 PM on the East Coast. This lunation promotes radical compassion and offers us the opportunity to deepen our relationships with our own Selves as well as those we hold precious and dear. This New Moon is all about heart-felt connections and learning to flow and trust the influence of Venus, despite all the disturbances in the force.

The cosmos are alive with powerful vibrations that accelerate the recalibrations of these unprecedented times. March is typically known as the Wild Weather month, and we will not be disappointed as the next 40 days bring the forces of Nature colliding with societal turbulence. With the planets Venus, Mercury, and Neptune activating under the sign of Aries, eclipses will add to the ruptures we are already witnessing. 

Jordane Maree, astrologer and creator at Girl and Her Moon, reminds us in her latest blog post: “As the Moon journeys through Pisces… emotions become sensitised. Instead of focusing on the tangible environment around us this lunation invites us to attune to the intangible. To feel, imagine, intuit. To lean into the imaginal realms of possibility, the deep knowing within our emotions, and soft whispers of intuition… Even as we begin again, this is a lunation of surrender. And it is the inspiration found through that surrender. The creativity offered to us in moments of trust.”

In these moments and months of dysregulation, remember that our attention is our most valuable asset. Recalling our magic and reclaiming our attention and intention  will be our radical and lifesaving act. Choose courage. Be brave. These disruptions allow us to peek beyond the curtain of our own stories, and recognize that perhaps our old ways have lost their power and our familiar day to day routines no longer support our wellbeing and healing.   

The word recall finds its roots in the Latin re- (again, back) and calāre (to call, cry out), meaning “to call back, bring back to mind.” This foundational meaning suggests an act of retrieval, a beckoning of something from the past into the present. Historically, recall has been used in various contexts—from summoning soldiers from battle to invoking past memories or revoking decisions.

Beyond the linguistic origin, recall speaks to the human ability to remember, reawaken, and realign with something that once was, but may have been forgotten. In this sense, it extends beyond memory alone and into the esoteric realm of ancestral wisdom, soul imprints, and genetic inheritance.

In esoteric traditions, recall is not merely an act of remembering—it is an invocation. It suggests a conscious effort to reconnect with lost knowledge, hidden truths, and ancient wisdom embedded within our being. Many spiritual traditions teach that our soul carries imprints from past experiences, past lives, and generational legacies. To recall in this sense is to access the energetic blueprint of our existence, peeling back the layers of amnesia imposed by modern life and social conditioning.

Carl Jung spoke of the collective unconscious, a reservoir of knowledge inherited from our ancestors. In recalling, we tap into this deep well of archetypal wisdom, allowing us to integrate the lessons of those who came before us. Indigenous traditions emphasize storytelling and oral history as forms of recalling—bringing the wisdom of the elders forward so that future generations may thrive.

When applied to holistic well-being, recall becomes a powerful tool for integrating physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Our genome, the very blueprint of our biological existence, carries the imprints of our ancestors—not just their physical traits but their lived experiences, traumas, and triumphs. Epigenetics, the study of how behavior and environment influence gene expression, suggests that we recall the health patterns of our lineage in profound ways.

Holistic health is not just about the present moment, but includes the threads of history woven into our cells. If we carry generational imprints, then conscious recalling becomes a pathway to healing. By engaging in practices that call back our body’s innate wisdom—such as breathwork, meditation, movement, and ancestral healing—we reclaim the ability to shift our health trajectory.

The act of recalling is not passive; it requires intentionality. It is an embodied process, a remembering that lives within our bones, our breath, and our blood. To integrate the wisdom of our lineage into our present lives, we can engage in:

  • Mindful Reflection: Journaling or meditating on patterns in our family history, recognizing strengths and areas that need healing.
  • Ancestral Practices: Connecting with rituals, foods, and healing methods passed down through generations.
  • Embodied Movement: Practices such as Qigong, yoga, and dance that awaken cellular memory.
  • Conscious Nutrition: Eating in alignment with our genetic predispositions and ancestral diets.
  • Energy Healing and Sound Therapy: Using vibrational medicine to realign with the frequency of our lineage.

By recalling, we do not merely look backward—we bring the wisdom forward. We honor where we have come from while shaping where we are going. In this way, recall becomes a bridge between the past and the present, between what has been and what is yet to be manifested.

To recall is to reclaim. It is the sacred act of calling forth that which has always been within us, waiting to be acknowledged. In the realm of holistic health and self-awareness, recall allows us to integrate ancestral wisdom, genetic imprinting, and personal transformation. When we learn to call back our truth, we gain access to the full spectrum of our potential—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

By embracing the power of recall, we engage in a journey of healing that transcends time, uniting past, present, and future in the ever-unfolding path of self-discovery and vitality. Choosing to conjure up our own magic medicine is vital work, and the time to  begin is now. Let us prepare our journey to inner-knowing by utilizing the power of journal writing, which combines attention, intention, and self-reflection as well as establishes a daily ritual of recall: memories, dreams, desires, etc.

Journal writing can become your sanctuary, your reflective interior mirror, your time to reconnect to your innate intelligence and unseen guide. “Journaling is a practical act of self-care that helps us to realise what is within our control and let go of what is not,” explains physician, author, and one of my favorite podcasters Dr. Rangan Chatterjee. “Establishing these boundaries is crucial to looking after our mental health and feeling calm. Interacting with our own lives in this way can be game-changing; with repetition we begin to gain clarity and insight into potential problem areas that may recur and how to solve them.”

It is well documented that journalling offers a multitude of benefits for mental health and emotional wellbeing. The Emotional and Physical Health Benefits of Expressive Writing was published by Cambridge University Press in  2018. It found that people who used expressive writing for 20 minutes per day on three-to-five occasions felt a greater sense of psychological wellbeing, reduced depressive symptoms and an improvement in their working memory.

In these unprecedented times of perilous edge-walking, those of us who know we need to write and clear the space can no longer afford the luxury of procrastination and those of us who have never tried can discover that it has the power to change everything. It doesn’t matter if you’re not ready or have never journaled before. The time has come to stop doubting, and start writing.

When competing versions of reality merge and blur, choose to be present with your Self and the life you are living. Refuse to be engaged with the stories you have told yourself, or the stories and patterns others have imprinted upon you. Dare to be in the space where frayed edges converge, where the lamplight flickers with the whispers of Fate. Be prepared. Be unafraid. Create and write your own unfolding story—filled with reclaiming your birthright, recalling your magic, and witnessing your own revelations.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, 

because the greatest secrets are hidden in the most unlikely places.

 Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” 

~~ Ronald Dahl


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