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Let There Be Room for “Not Knowing”

“Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all.  When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don’t know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really we just don’t know.”

 ~~ Pema Chödrön

Greetings to all my precious people!

We are halfway through September and on the cusp of Eclipse season, as Nature and the cosmos move through their eternal cycles and predictive patterns. Paying attention to the world we inhabit offers us clues to the unfolding shifts that are mirrored in our physical body and impact our emotional and spiritual levels. Many of us check the weather reports daily as forecasters offer their predictions and guesstimates based on changing wind patterns. But how often do we consider touching base with systems like cosmology or astrology to get a sense of which way the wind blows, or the moon rises? 

Chinese astrology, which flourished during the Han dynasty (2nd century BC to 2nd Century AD) is based on traditional Chinese astronomy and the Chinese calendar. It has a close relation to the philosophical theory of the three harmonies: heaven, earth, and human. The familiar elements of traditional Chinese culture – the yin-yang philosophy, the theory of the five elements (Wuxing), the concepts of heaven and earth, and Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian morality – were brought together to formalize the philosophical principles of Chinese medicine and divination, astrology and alchemy. 

None of these concepts are familiar nor readily available in Western astrology or culture. But the foundation of interconnectedness to the Web of Life is central to the practice of Chinese medicine, so all systems of data gathering and correspondence are important. As practitioners, we are trained to seek out the patterns that present in our patients, and how those patterns correlate to seasons, times of day and the inner emotional landscapes of the person.

One consistent pattern in our natural world is the Moon cycles and their effect on tides, climate and light. The Moon’s gravitational pull causes tides by creating bulges in the Earth’s oceans, with the side closest to the Moon experiencing the most pronounced bulge. When the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned, the gravitational forces combine to create spring tides, which are higher high tides and lower low tides than normal. 

The Moon’s gravitational pull helps stabilize the Earth’s tilt, acting like training wheels for the Earth’s journey around the sun. It keeps Earth’s axis pointed at a consistent angle, helping to maintain a stable climate. Without the Moon, the Earth’s stately progression through spring, summer, fall, and winter would have fluctuated widely over eons.

The Moon’s fluctuating light levels have influenced life on Earth. Just like the planets, our Moon does not produce its own light. It “shines” because it reflects the Sun’s light. While statistical studies have shown no correlation between the full Moon and strange behavior, the full Moon’s light does make it easier for humans and other animals to see—and be seen. Studies have documented changes in the success rates of predators and foraging patterns of prey animals due to this added nighttime illumination. Corals time their mating events by the light of the Moon. Most other animal behaviors relating to the Moon are because the tides change the coastal environment.

The full Harvest Moon will rise on Tuesday, September 17 and be partially eclipsed by Earth. Observers in North America, South America, Europe and Africa will get the best views of the lunar eclipse, with Saturn shining brightly close to the moon throughout the event. This is the final Full Moon of the summer this year, and the second of four successive supermoons in 2024. It is called the Harvest Moon in the Northern Hemisphere because it rises close to sunset for a few evenings in a row, historically giving farmers extra moonlight to help them bring in the harvest, according to The moon will be officially full at 10:34 p.m. EDT, shortly before the partial eclipse peaks. 

Why so much focus on this particular Moon cycle and eclipse?

To remind you of the subtle but powerful influences of the Natural world on your life and health. This lunar eclipse in Pisces is the opening event in a series of eclipses that take place in Virgo and Pisces, and will continue sparking transformations and upheavals from now until early 2027. 

According to Chani Nicholas, a Los Angeles–based New York Times best-selling author and counseling astrologer with over 20 years of experience, eclipses can be unsettling and overwhelming times. Eclipses are flash points for shake-ups, surprises, and fateful plot twists, and they activate issues related to the signs where they take place.

Chani offers us tips for navigating this Lunar eclipse in Pisces:

  • Expect the unexpected. Schedule breathing room in your calendar as a buffer against unforeseeable events.
  • Refrain from making big decisions or launching major initiatives between September 17th and October 2nd (aka eclipse season). Eclipse energy is volatile, so it’s best to start projects after the turbulence has passed.
  • List the ways you habitually disengage, numb out, or overextend yourself. Then brainstorm the practices or incentives that help you stay practical and passionate at the same time. The intersection of holding secure boundaries and expressing healthy vulnerability is where you are most powerful.
  • Engage your creativity. Activities to connect you to your muses can help you heal and remind you of your ability to make beauty during transitional moments.
  • Set limits with draining habits, energy vampires, and your own inner critics and saboteurs. The inner screen of your imagination needs an occasional wipe-down. It’s difficult to discern what you need when your thinking is clouded by distractions. Give yourself space to purify your mental and emotional landscapes.
  • Rest abundantly. Reducing social media time, anointing yourself with essential oils, or meditating before bed can all help you unwind.
  • Prioritize quality time with the people and activities that replenish your system. Say no to everything else for now.
  • Make time to feel. Morning crying sessions, afternoon dates with your journal, and/or intentional space-out time can all facilitate the flow of your emotions.
  • Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead podcast, as well as Your Reading in the “This Week” section of the CHANI app.  
  • Work through any emotions that this eclipse brings up with journaling, meditation, and gentle breathing practices.

So now that you are well-equipped with some tools to implement during this eclipse season of upheaval and transformation, you can direct your attention and intention to the essence of the Pema Chödrön comment: Let there be room for “not knowing.”  

How can we create the space for “not knowing”—and why would we do such a thing?

Aren’t we chasing information and explanations to put things together so they make sense in our world? And what data points are we using to help us navigate the way?  

I want you to suspend disbelief for a moment and consider that the miraculous body you inhabit is also your amazing navigation system for your Earth journey. You know all those symptoms you notice (or ignore) and all the stories attached to the symptoms? What if none of them were “true”? What if symptoms were simply the body’s way of getting your attention, and making a request for observation, quiet, or restoration?

When you begin to practice “not knowing” it allows space for THAT WHICH IS to be seen, heard, or felt. Without attachment to stories, or emotions like guilt and shame, THAT WHICH IS can be observed in a sacred space. As the curious observer, you might begin to have a sense of a bigger picture, a deeper understanding—something that is not always easy to put into words. And then, you begin to celebrate when you realize you have access to the true navigation system that was wired into your DNA at birth. In the midst of “not knowing” we allow for the space of “THE KNOWING”. 

“The Knowing” can manifest in so many ways. It might be the quiet inner voice saying “hmmm, that makes sense”. It can be a feeling of deep calm and clarity—a sensation that translates to safety and assuredness. “The Knowing” can also present as upbeat and sparkly with glimmers of “ah ha”!! Perhaps you sense “The Knowing” in your heart space, or your belly—maybe even your entire body feels alive and all the senses are heightened. These moments are typically a recognition of truth, or of the clearest recognition of truth or rightness or fit. 

You have had “The Knowing” many times in your life whether it was about what color to paint the kitchen, who to date (or not!), whether to take a new job or what to have for dinner. And when you create the space of “not knowing,” your body will allow the answers to arrive in a way that is unique and personal. Take heed!! Begin the practice of observation without attachment to stories, habits, and emotions. The miracle is you!

Acupuncture and herbal medicine are some of the tools I use to support the health and wellness of my patients, but the healing that occurs is always prompted from the inside. The answers to health and wellness reside in your heart. I help people learn how to listen to their body’s wisdom and reconnect the unconscious mind to nurture the mind-body connection. Doing this work allows people to realize their full capacity and choose to live a life aligned with their values, nourished by their dreams and desires. Together, we co-create opportunities for healing as the process unfolds.

I offer compassionate, attentive care. I see you. I hear you. I celebrate your journey. As an experienced clinician, I support patients as they come home to themselves, reconnecting the mind, body and spirit. This is my greatest passion: to serve as a facilitator, navigator and coach as you transcend old patterns and come into alignment with your best self. Are you ready to choose your Self and celebrate your gifts? Are you ready to manifest your Authentic Self that is abundant with health and vitality? Commit to being present and living your life with intention. Schedule an appointment today and begin to step into your power of self-directed practical magic.  

 “It may be when you no longer know what to do 

that you have come to your real work 

and that when you no longer know which way to go, 

you have begun your real journey.”

~~ Wendell Berry

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