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What is Hypnosis?


It is actually a naturally occurring state of highly focused attention, and many of us can easily access this state during our day to day life. When was the last time you drove a familiar route to work and suddenly you arrive, but you don’t remember all the moments in between point A and point B? Or how about when you last saw a movie and got caught up in the suspense, the mystery, the joy of suspending disbelief for a period of time while you watch the screen in front of you. That is hypnosis – a naturally occurring state of highly focused attention, no stage performances or manipulation involved!!!

Coaching the unconscious mind combines rapid change techniques from all different disciplines and brings them together for a comprehensive and transformative system of change work. Traditional life coaching programs focus on working with the limited conscious mind – which can be very helpful for a beginning approach to self understanding. Integrative change work teaches you how to access the adaptive unconscious, where all those habituated patterns of limited beliefs and behaviors reside.

This change work incorporates a synthesis of Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioral and Energy Psychology as well as techniques developed by utilizing the most updated research in Neuroscience and Mind/Body medicine. Working within these foundations allows for internal strategies that are aligned and congruent with the person’s values and desire for life changes.

Neuroscience research indicates that between 5-10% of everything we do is conscious. Yes, that means how we engage in the world and with each other and how we utilize our filters for taking in information is only 5-10% conscious. Does that surprise you? This data also means that between 90-95% of everything we experience every day is UNCONSCIOUS. We go through our daily life on auto-pilot, using patterns of thought and action built into our brain from early childhood experiences up until today and we are pretty much unaware of that background chatter. Imagine this: you are operating with a system built to run in the background, and you’ve not really considered an update, an upgrade or a total overhaul. It’s like using an outdated computer program and expecting better results.  Impossible!!

By working with all parts of you – your conscious mind, your unconscious mind, along with your physical body and nervous system – we can go deeper and create lasting changes to support your life journey. It is possible to learn how to interrupt the patterns in our brains and rewire the old habitual thoughts (neural networks) to create supportive thought patterns. By combining neural reprogramming, self-directed neuroplasticity and therapeutic memory reconsolidation, you can access the gifts of your true nature and experience more participation in your life journey.

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