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Living within The Mystery

“Life is filled with mystery, courage, heroism, and love – 

all these things that we can witness 

but cannot measure or even understand, 

but they make our lives valuable anyway.”

~~ Rachael Naomi Remen MD

Greetings to all my precious people!

We are navigating interesting times. Catastrophic natural events combined with cataclysmic happenings around the world are wreaking havoc, dissonance, and despair. Yet, in the midst of mayhem, sparks of courage, heroism, and love are demonstrated as we witness people helping one another during an unrelenting humanitarian crisis. There are so many levels of hurt, combined with so many more levels of help, so let us not be blind to those who are doing the daily work of being available and showing up without fanfare. I am reminded of the comment Mr. Fred Rogers shared: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Take heed, have faith. Look for the helpers—and demonstrate the best of humanity by being a helper, too! 

On Wednesday October 2, the annular solar eclipse occurred in Libra. While this was not visible to those of us on the East Coast, the Moon obscured the Sun for a period of time, shadows were cast, and darkness prevailed as a ring of fire from the Sun flared in the sky. Take a look at this short video that captured the Ring of Fire in South America, courtesy of Reuters.  

Eclipses are cyclical astronomical events that take place when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align perfectly. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth wedges itself between the Sun and the Moon, while a solar eclipse is when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. This amazing phenomenon blocks the Sun’s vibrant light, casting a dark shadow on our planet, and briefly turning daytime to night.

The lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17 coincided with a Full Harvest Moon and represented a culmination and harvest of emotions along with the release of things that no longer served a purpose. This current solar eclipse is all about radical changes currently taking place in our immediate circumstances, shining a light on what we have outgrown, especially interpersonally. What happens externally is also dependent on how we interpret and articulate events and conversations. Is there any information that is being overlooked, overshadowed, obscured?  

Take some time to explore what it means for you to move forward boldly, confidently, and courageously. To manifest the deep desires of your soul in this lifetime, you must release the need for universal approval. You must be willing to face conflict. Solar eclipses signify a turning point, for all of us, and a perfect reminder to prioritize rest and reflection. The energy in our Natural world is very chaotic during these eclipses, so taking time to pause and observe how your body is feeling is the best medicine. Transformation takes time—remember to nourish and nurture your Self.

The theme of the week is MYSTERY.

The word “mystery” has an interesting etymology, tracing back through multiple languages with meanings related to secrecy and hidden knowledge.

The word originates from the Greek word “mystērion” (μυστήριον), which refers to a secret rite or hidden religious practice. It is closely connected to the verb “myein”, meaning “to close”, especially the eyes or lips. This reflects the idea of something hidden or kept secret, such as esoteric religious rituals in ancient mystery religions, such as the Eleusinian Mysteries. In these rites, only initiates were privy to sacred knowledge.

The word was adopted into Latin as “mysterium”, where it maintained the meaning of a secret or something understood only by the initiated, particularly in a religious context. By the time the word entered Old French as “mistere” and then into Middle English as “mysterie” or “mystery”, the term started to take on broader connotations, not just limited to religious secrets, but also referring to anything that was difficult to explain or understand.

Over time, the meaning of “mystery” broadened to include any phenomenon or situation that is puzzling or difficult to comprehend. It now refers to something that is hidden, unexplained, or secret, whether in a religious, philosophical, or everyday sense, such as a mysterious event or a mystery novel.

The “mystery of life” is a profound philosophical concept that has intrigued humanity for millennia, encompassing questions about existence, purpose, and the nature of reality. It touches on fundamental issues about where we come from, why we are here, and what the meaning of life might be. Different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems have offered diverse interpretations and approaches to this mystery. 

Ancient Stoics like Marcus Aurelius believed that life’s mystery could be unraveled by accepting fate and understanding the laws of nature. Inner peace came from aligning oneself with the natural order and embracing virtue as the highest good. In traditions like Buddhism and Taoism, the mystery of life is often linked to understanding suffering and the impermanence of existence. Buddhists, for example, believe that life’s mystery can be unraveled through mindfulness and enlightenment—attaining Nirvana, or the cessation of suffering, is a key pursuit.

Many religious traditions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, see life as part of a divine plan. Life’s mystery is often explained as the will of a higher power, with human existence having a purpose tied to fulfilling divine intentions, spiritual growth, or salvation. Mystical traditions across various religions often address the mystery of life through personal, transcendent experiences. Mystics seek direct communion with the divine, aiming beyond intellectual understanding to access deeper spiritual truths.

From a scientific viewpoint, the origin of life itself remains a profound mystery. The study of how life began on Earth—whether through chemical processes, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, or other means—continues to evolve but remains incomplete. Modern biology unravels some of the mechanisms behind life, such as genetics, cellular processes, and evolution. Yet, questions about consciousness, sentience, and what it means to “live” persist. How does inanimate matter give rise to consciousness and self-awareness? Why do life forms evolve complexity and intelligence?

Many people search for life’s meaning through various experiences: relationships, creativity, love, self-expression, and personal achievement. Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, stated that even in suffering, humans can find meaning by how they approach life’s challenges. Do you have a solid foundation for meeting crises with resources?

The mystery of life also often relates to personal fulfillment. People wonder about their individual role in the universe, their impact on others, and what truly matters in the grand scheme of things. For many, life’s mystery becomes an ongoing quest for personal purpose. How are you choosing to find your Path? Do you need support?

The mystery of life has inspired countless works of art, poetry, and literature, from ancient myths to modern novels. These artistic explorations allow humans to express the depth of their existential experiences, often leaving room for individual interpretation and reflection. Have you found an outlet of creativity that allows you to express your unique talents, gifts and inclinations?

For many, life’s mystery is not something that can be easily intellectualized but instead, is felt in moments of wonder, joy, love, and grief. Whether through quiet contemplation, adventure, or moments of awe in nature, the mystery of life is often sensed deeply within personal experiences. But how can we be present during our day to day life and open to the mystery that surrounds us?

The Irish word “Misteach” (MISH-tock) translates to mystic, and describes the deep, enigmatic spiritual and supernatural dimensions found in the cultural fabric of Ireland. “Misteach” evokes the sense of mystery and enchantment that infuses the ancient landscapes and the rich oral traditions of the Emerald Isle.

The essence of “misteach” can be found in the mystical relationship between the Irish people and their natural surroundings, and it is no surprise that as an Irish-American, it resonates deep in my bones. The myths come alive at the site of the sacred wells and stone circles, and along the barren ruins, the secret whispers and otherworldly significance of earthly connection to the spiritual is palpable. No wonder I felt a great kinship to the Taoist traditions of heaven-earth-man interplay and connection!

“Misteach” encompasses an intrinsic understanding of exploring the divine, and our place within it. Today, we are invited to look beyond the visible and to explore the deeper currents of meaning and connection. We are challenged to see the world with wonder and appreciate the mysterious forces that shape our experiences and beliefs. In Ireland, the past is always present, and the mystic serves as a bridge to the ancestors, their wisdom, and their ways of seeing the world. How might we engage with the mystical traditions of our own or other cultures—and serve as a bridge in current time?

Acupuncture and herbal medicine are some of the tools I use to support the health and wellness of my patients, but the healing that occurs is always prompted from the inside. The answers to health and wellness reside in your heart. Treatment in my healing sanctuary goes beyond the needles—they simply serve to prompt the body to do its own mysterious and miraculous work.

I help people learn how to listen to their body’s wisdom and reconnect the unconscious mind to nurture the mind-body connection. This work allows people to realize their full capacity and choose to live a life aligned with their values, nourished by their dreams and desires. Together, we co-create opportunities for healing as the process unfolds.

I offer compassionate, attentive care. I see you. I hear you. I celebrate your journey. As an experienced clinician, I support patients as they come home to themselves, reconnecting the mind, body and spirit. This is my greatest passion: to serve as a facilitator, navigator and coach as you transcend old patterns and come into alignment with your best self. Are you ready to choose your Self and celebrate your gifts? Are you ready to manifest your Authentic Self that is abundant with health and vitality? Commit to being present and living your life with intention. 

“Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood… 

Let me keep company always with those who say ‘Look!’ 

and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.”

~~ Mary Oliver, “Mysteries, Yes”

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