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Are you making space for POSSIBILITY?

“I am making a home inside myself where grace blooms 

in grand and glorious abundance, 

a shelter of kindness that grows all the truest things.”

~~ Julia Fehrenbacher

Greetings to all my precious people!!

Eclipse season has arrived and there is a sense of chaotic anticipation sprinkled with a bit of consternation and worry. Have you noticed anything out of sync in your world this week? The Harvest Moon on Tuesday contributed both light and shadow to the night, and the dance of yin and yang was evident in the sky. But it was also a reflection of what was occurring inside each of us, since we are part of the tapestry of Nature. What part of you might have been eclipsed? What feeling, relationship or habit might have come out of the shadows lately? Are there aspects of your Self that sparked some glimmers of imagination and possibility?

Consider what it would be like to come home to your Self and create a shelter of kindness. What would it take to embrace and befriend all the parts of you?  

The Pisces Full Moon on September 17 represented a powerful celestial event marking the completion of cycles. As the final sign in the zodiac, Pisces symbolizes the end of a journey and the beginning of a new spiritual chapter. This is the time to shed what no longer serves your higher purpose. You are invited to surrender to the natural flow of life and trust the unseen forces guiding you toward healing and alignment.

This coincides with the philosophy of Daoism, based on the concept of living within the flow of Nature – known as The Dao or The Way. Since humans are part of Nature, the art of living, surviving and thriving must be in accord with the rhythm and flow of the world we inhabit. The Daoists called their approach to action “wuwei” (woo-wey), which literally translates to “no action”, but is considered “effortless action” as a daily practice.  We are encouraged to embrace simplicity and adopt a free and easy approach to life. But how can we accomplish this with the busy disruptions of current times?

The Irish language has a word that reflects this spaciousness and flow of wuwei. “Faic” (FWAK) is a word as succinct as its meaning: nothing. In Irish, ‘faic’ is often dropped into conversation to express absence, the void, or simply the lack of anything to note. The term might be used to shrug off questions or to emphasize that nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Yet, in its simplicity, it encapsulates a philosophical stance on emptiness.

Think about the times someone told you, “There’s nothing to see here,” or “Nothing’s wrong.” Often, what is being pointed out is really a space where something could exist but does not, and the presence is highlighted by its absence. In a way, ‘faic’ invites us to look closer, to question why “the nothing” is noteworthy. What stories have been eclipsed or hidden in the shadows? What is waiting to be discovered in the unspoken, empty spaces of our conversations and days?

In our journey to self-compassion, and creating our shelter of kindness, acknowledging our ‘faic’ moments could be just as illuminating as those sparkling with light and sound. Perhaps the things we shrug off as ‘nothing’ might be the moments when something important is crossing our path or entering our heart space. What could we uncover or glimpse if we pay attention to the ‘nothing’ spaces between the ‘something’ events?  

The theme of the week centers on aspects of Possibility. The word “Possibility” has its roots in the Latin word “possibilis” meaning “able to be done.” Possibility refers to the potential for something to exist or occur, whether in the realm of thought, nature, or society. Philosophically, it’s about what could be, not just what is. Possibility explores questions like:

  • What are the conditions under which something can come into being?
  • What limits or expands the range of potential realities?
  • How does one distinguish between what’s possible, probable, or impossible?

From a practical standpoint, possibility is often tied to factors like resources, knowledge, and opportunity. In this sense, it’s about opening up new paths or seeing potential in situations where others might not. But what about YOUR possibility? What about YOUR thoughts and ideas for this journey on the Earth? When was the last time you checked in with your Self to determine if you are aligned with your inner compass, your DNA wired wisdom?  

We often carry a belief that we must exert control over many aspects of our lives, when what we truly need is the space, and the ability, to feel, to trust, and to open our hearts. But being able to surrender and let go is challenging for most of us. I know, personally, that the concept of choosing to be free and easy is always met with my own resistance and discomfort. Such a human experience!! The need to be in charge, the desire to make sense of all things, the habit of attaching stories to all events… These are my obstacles. What are your challenges?

What if we just engaged in the practice of NOT KNOWING and allowed for the space of POSSIBILITY? What if, instead of presuming chaos and mayhem, we chose curiosity and courage? What if you imagined that there’s nothing you need to do, be, have, get, change, ritualize or learn in order to be happy, loving and whole. What would change? And how often do you truly disconnect and allow yourself the time and space to listen to your inner wisdom?

Challenge your Self to put the phone down for certain times during the day, or the week. Give your Self the gift of “time-out” and experience the quiet that follows. Nurture your tender spaces with a smile to your image in the mirror and a big self hug as you whisper I LOVE YOU to your bright eyes. Clear out the clutter of worry and rumination by simply choosing to observe and acknowledge these feelings when they arise. Observe without judgment, without story, without chatter, when these moments come up in your daily life. Choose curiosity with a splash of courage and take a deep breath to nourish self-worth, self-love, fierce self-compassion, and self-trust.  

Be still, be quiet, be patient as all parts of you realign and reconfigure into a new integrated version of you. Choose to surrender, let go of control, and open your heart to the magic and mystery of life. Imagine the possibilities – when you are able to create a shelter of kindness in your own body, nourishing your heart and spirit.  

Acupuncture and herbal medicine are some of the tools I use to support the health and wellness of my patients, but the healing that occurs is always prompted from the inside. The answers to health and wellness reside in your heart. I help people learn how to listen to their body’s wisdom and reconnect the unconscious mind to nurture the mind-body connection. Doing this work allows people to realize their full capacity and choose to live a life aligned with their values, nourished by their dreams and desires. Together, we co-create opportunities for healing as the process unfolds.

I offer compassionate, attentive care. I see you. I hear you. I celebrate your journey. As an experienced clinician, I support patients as they come home to themselves, reconnecting the mind, body and spirit. This is my greatest passion: to serve as a facilitator, navigator and coach as you transcend old patterns and come into alignment with your best self. Are you ready to choose your Self and celebrate your gifts? Are you ready to manifest your Authentic Self that is abundant with health and vitality? Commit to being present and living your life with intention. Schedule an appointment today and begin to step into your power of self-directed practical magic.  

“Be Yourself. Life is precious as it is.

All the elements for your happiness are already here.

There is no need to run, strive, search, or struggle.

Just Be.”

~~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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